Solve ME/CFS Initiative Takes Part in #MillionsMissing Protest


Solve ME/CFS Initiative President Carol Head said that following last year’s Institute of Medicine report, there is no reason for the federal government to drag its feet on aggressively funding research on the disease.

“It is the role of NIH and CDC to care for the health of their citizens, and the health of those citizens is currently being funded by ourselves for ourselves,” Head said.

The protest included a series of demonstrations by ME/CFS patients and their loved ones at locations around the country and across the world, including: Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Philadelphia, London, Melbourne, Seattle, Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Raleigh, Canada, the Netherlands and Belfast. Protesters in D.C. assembled outside the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) headquarters. Other U.S. protesters assembled outside the regional HHS offices.

seattle netherlands canada

Millions Missing demonstration in Washington, DC.  (Photo by Mary F. Calvert)

#MillionsMissing demonstration in Washington, DC. (Photo by Mary F. Calvert)

The shoes represent the active lives lost by the owners of those shoes due to being stricken with this devastating disease.

[ Header image from ]

[Video and photos from Solve ME/CFS Initiative]

4 responses to “Solve ME/CFS Initiative Takes Part in #MillionsMissing Protest

  1. kraftycatcreations

    Love your header!


  2. kraftycatcreations

    Reblogged this on kraftycatcreations and commented:
    I have become home/bedbound with M.E. (Myalgic Encelphalomyelitis), which is why my blogging has all but disappeared. When my energy allows, I have been writing a new entry bit-by-bit with the hope of getting it online soon. In the meantime, I must reblog this important entry by Sunshinebright about the MillionsMissing Project. I did manage to tweet in support on May 25th, so I feel good about participating in my own small way. Many thanks to all who made the Project a successful protest. Now the test is to see where we go from here: did the people we needed to reach listen? Time, and possibly continueing the MillionsMissing Mission, will tell…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kraftycat, I thank you for reblogging my post, and for the thoughtful and heartfelt comment. The more we put the spotlight and attention to this plight of ME sufferers, the more we raise our hopes for “someone” or “many” who have the power to push forth more research grants. LET’S GET IT DONE, PEOPLE!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Look forward to your blog post. Nobody can fill your shoes…


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