Hello Everyone! I’m Back From An Extended Hiatus

I hope you all have had a wonderful Holiday Season, and enjoyed good health during that time and are now experiencing the same.

December, January and the beginning of February were not a happy time for me; and that time would have been extremely more difficult if it were not for my very special sister and her husband.  They were there for whatever help I needed.

When the back goes out of kilter, everything else is in the background of life.  My saving graces were Tramadol, Aleve, a walker, chiropractic and rest.  Sitting in front of the computer was totally out of the question.  I’ve had to put aside the chair I was using for many years, and a kitchen chair (of all things) with a pillow at my back has made sitting at the desk possible.  Still, I have to limit (pace) my time, or else the back tells me I need to move or suffer the consequences.

I am now very hopeful that I can continue with one of my great enjoyments; that is, blogging, and looking in at what you all have been doing.





14 responses to “Hello Everyone! I’m Back From An Extended Hiatus

  1. Hope you are doing well and I’m so happy to see you back! Have a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kraftycatcreations

    Welcome back! I should copy you and start blogging again. xxoo


  3. So glad you are back Carol and hope you continue to feel well 🙂


  4. With long term problems, I use acupuncture as my saving grace! Try it, you might be surprised.

    Welcome back and I hope you feel better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Valentine. Thanks for stopping by. I’ve used acupuncture for my severe shoulder muscle pain and after only 3 treatments, pain was gone and hasn’t come back! My back pain is the result of a bad fall when I was very young, and there was some permanent damage. Chiropractic has been very helpful; in fact, I believe if it weren’t for chiropractors all my adult life, I would have been severely crippled. Thanks for your helpful suggestion, and your “welcome back.” 🙂


  5. So happy to hear that you are back. Feel better

    Liked by 1 person

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